Meet Tevin Ali

Tevin Ali, Founder & Chief Visionary of Talk With Tevin LLC, is a motivational speaker who has been featured in The New York Times, The Johns Hopkins News, and The US News & World Report among many other media outlets for his dynamically driven leadership, dynamic communication style, and commitment towards empowering others. On stage he has spoken at numerous of organizations and conferences such as The National Research Center for College & University Admissions (NRCCUA) Eduventures, The Washington Center, First Lego League, and the STEM National Leaders Summit.

Tevin is no stranger to struggles and setbacks. Born in Trinidad & Tobago and raised by immigrant parents, his family had little wealth, but valued education. After many years of saving, Tevin was the first in his family to attend college. By his own admission, he was not the best student, nor truly ready for college and soon fell prey to an inner dialog that morphed into a sense of hopelessness. Tevin eventually dropped out of college believing he had failed himself and his family. Fortunately hitting his lowest point allowed him to be highly receptive to change. Tevin overcame the feat he would never be good enough, fought back against the perception of others. Since then, Tevin has become a graduate of been the first in his family to graduate college and serves as an incredible beacon of inspiration for others across the nation who also struggle in the face of adversity.

Tevin Ali is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University earning his Master’s in Biotechnology Enterprise & Entrepreneurship. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences at Florida Atlantic University. A synopsis of his story has been published in partnership with the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students in the foreword of Building Transfer Student Pathways for College and Career Success. Additionally, he was named a National Recipient of the Sallie Mae Bridging the Dream $20,000 Scholarship for Graduate Students, was awarded the prestigious Capstone Award at the Johns Hopkins Commencement Ceremony, and was also named the State of Florida Student of the Year by the Florida Association of Colleges and Employers (FloridaACE).

Tevin firmly believes in helping others overcome their struggles to become the strongest version of themselves possible. His keys to success lie in emotional intelligence and focusing on finding one’s personal mission. Watch out because he will make a diamond out of you!

Speaking Experience

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check out a synopsis of tevin’s story below
